Caused by an i...
Presentation typically includes the triad of rapid onset of gingival pain, bleeding, and ulcerations/necrosis of interdental papillae (4)
Fetid odor of breath, metallic taste in the m...
The initial phase of treatmen...
Close dental follow-up
Specialty follow-up (if underlying immunodeficiency)
Soft diet until healed
Balanced nutritional diet with multivitamin supplementation
409865002 Vincent’s disease (disorder)
173599005 Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivostomatitis (disorder)
Diagnosis is largely clinical based on symptoms of oral pain, fetid breath, gingival ulcerations, interdental papillary necrosis, and grayish exudate on the gingival surface.
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FIG. 5.10. A child with typical "punched out" gingiva, pathognomonic for acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis. (Courtesy of Dr. Mark Snyder.)
FIG. 5.10. A child with typical "punched out" gingiva, pathognomonic for acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis. (Courtesy of Dr. Mark Sn...