Usually occurs as a result of nutritional deficiency or suboptimal absorption (1,2)
Manifestations may involve growth retardation, decreased bone mineralization, hypogonadism, cell-m...
Mild deficiency
Hypogeusia (decreased taste)
Dysosmia (altered smell sensation)
Decreased adaptation to dark
Decreased serum testosterone level
Decreased lean body mass
Zinc supplements: Take at least 1 hour before or 2 hours after me...
In patients receiving parenteral nutrition, obtain zinc at baseline and every 2 to 4 weeks. If dose is changed, measure 1 to 2 wee...
E60 Dietary zinc deficiency
E83.2 Disorders of zinc metabolism
190661004 Dietary zinc deficiency
238124008 Zinc deficiency
16917007 Acute zinc deficiency
73281004 Chronic zinc deficiency
Zinc deficiency is uncommon in the United States; however, it has a higher incidence in those living in developing countries.
Zinc deficiency is not detectable until there is marked dep...
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Sickle cell anemia. A peripheral blood smear shows numerous sickled cells, as well as normoblasts and occasional target cells. The erythrocyte to the left of center contains a Howell-Jolly body, indicative of functional hyposplenism.
Sickle cell anemia. A peripheral blood smear shows numerous sickled cells, as well as normoblasts and occasional target cells. The erythro...
FIGURE 10-7.Sickling of red blood cells in sickle cell anemia. (clumped) by anti-A serum; those in type B blood are agglutinated by anti-B serum. Type AB blood cells are agglutinated by both sera, and type O blood is not agglutinated by either serum.
FIGURE 10-7.Sickling of red blood cells in sickle cell anemia. (clumped) by anti-A serum; those in type B blood are agglutinated by anti-B...