Primary infectio...
Upper respiratory infection (URI)
Laryngitis, sore throat
Nonproductive or croupy cough
Respiratory infection
Headache, myalgias
CNS infection
Hematuria (gross or...
Supportive care
Monitor for secondary bacterial infections.
Avoid steroid-containing ophthalmic ointments.
Has been shown to have benefit in immunoc...
Bronchiolitis obliterans (rare)
Corneal opacities with visual disturbance (usually resolves spontaneously...
Hammond S, Chenever E, Durbin JE. Respiratory virus infection in infants and children. Pediatr Dev Pathol. 2007;10(3):172–180. [View Abstract on OvidInsights]
Leruez-Ville M, M...
79 Adenovirus infection in conditions classified elsewhere and of unspecified site
8.62 Enteritis due to adenovirus
478.9 Other and unspecified diseases of upper respiratory tract
B34.0 Ad...
Q: Is there anything one can do to prevent these infections?
A: Washing hands and avoiding contact with ill persons will help slow the spread of these infections.
Q: Is there any role of antiviral m...
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