Intestinal disease may be asymptomatic or have mild symptoms such as abdominal discomfort, flatulence, constipation, and occasionally diarrhea.
Nondysenteric colitis is characterized b...
The goal of treatment is the elimination of tissue-invading trophozoites and intestinal cysts.
The choice of treatment regimens depends on the clinical presentation.
Agents tha...
Follow-up stool examination is always necessary to ensure eradication of intestinal amebae.
For amebic abscesses, drainage should be considered i...
Haque R, Huston CD, Hughes M, et al. Amebiasis. N Engl J Med. 2003;348(16):1565–1573. [View Abstract on OvidInsights]
Magaña ML, Fernández-Díez J, Magaña M. Cutaneous amebiasis...
006.9 Amebiasis, unspecified
006.0 Acute amebic dysentery without mention of abscess
006.3 Amebic liver abscess
006.2 Amebic nondysenteric colitis
006.4 Amebic lung abscess
006.8 Amebic infection...
Q: How often does a liver abscess complicate intestinal amebiasis?
A: About 10% of children with intestinal amebiasis will develop a liver abscess.
Q: What is the best diagnostic study for a suspect...
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Amebic colitis and its complications. Amebiasis results from the ingestion of food or water contaminated with amebic cysts. In the colon, the amebae penetrate the mucosa and produce flask-shaped ulcers of the mucosa and submucosa. The organisms may invade submucosal venules, thereby disseminating the infection to the liver and other organs. The liver abscess can expand to involve adjacent structures.
Amebic colitis and its complications. Amebiasis results from the ingestion of food or water contaminated with amebic cysts. In the colon, ...
Amebic abscesses of the liver. The cut surface of the liver shows multiple abscesses containing "anchovy paste" material.