Anemia that accompanies a variety of systemic diseases, with the common features of chronicity and inflammation
Anemia of chronic disease is more properly called anemia of inflammatio...
Various abnormal physical findings may be present, depending on the underlying chronic disease process.
May have mild pallor but will not have signs of circulatory collapse
Generally, no role for iron therapy unless there is coexisting iron deficiency anemia.
However, recent studies in patients with renal disease have shown improved response ...
Cullis J. Anaemia of chronic disease. Clin Med (Lond). 2013;13(2):193–196. [View Abstract on OvidInsights]
Fraenkel PG. Anemia of Inflammation: a review. Med Clin North Am. ...
285.29 Anemia of other chronic disease
285.21 Anemia in chronic kidney disease
285.22 Anemia in neoplastic disease
282.9 Hereditary hemolytic anemia, unspecified
446.2 Hypersensitivity angiitis,...
Q: Does anemia that is associated with a chronic disease require further evaluation?
A: If the anemia fits within the usual expectations for the patient’s diagnosis, there is no need to pursue furt...
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