Suppurative infection involving the brain parenchyma
May be a single or multiple lesions
Males more commonly affected (2:1 male-to-female predominance)
Typical age of presen...
Classic triad of fever, headache, and focal neurologic findings occurs in <30% of cases.
Broad-spectrum antibiotics that penetrate the central nervous system (CNS) should be given at the time of diagnosis directed at most likely pathogens. The combination of a 3rd-gene...
Follow-up with neurosurgical, rehabilitation, and neurology clinics is usually required.
Repeat imaging prior to cessation of antibiotic therapy should be done to ...
Bonfield CM, Sharma J, Dobson S. Pediatric intracranial abscesses. J Infect. 2015;71(Suppl 1):S42–S46. [View Abstract on OvidInsights]
Goodkin HP, Harper MB, Pomeroy SL. Intrac...
441806004 Abscess of brain (disorder)
60404007 Cerebral abscess (disorder)
Q: Do all brain abscesses require surgery?
A: No. Often times, brain abscesses will respond to intravenous antibiotics and will not require drainage. Close clinical and radiographic follow-up is im...
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<bold>FIGURE 61-5</bold> <bold>Contrasted computerized tomography scan of a patient with left occipital brain abscess.</bold> The necrotic material in the abscess center appears dark (hypodense). The white rim surrounding the abscess is its wall, which is visualized because of its vascularization and contiguous vasodilation. There is surrounding hypodensity, representing edema.
<bold>FIGURE 61-5</bold> <bold>Contrasted computerized tomography scan of a patient with left occipital brain abscess....
<bold>Fig SK 6-10. Brain abscess.</bold> (A) Nonenhanced CT scan shows vasogenic edema in the right anterior parietal white matter. The isodense ring of the abscess capsule can be seen (white arrow). (B) Contrast-enhanced study shows a thick but uniformly enhancing capsule with the beginnings of a daughter abscess anteriorly (arrow). The enhancement of an abscess is typically circular and nearly uniform except along the medial surface.<sup>11</sup>
<bold>Fig SK 6-10. Brain abscess.</bold> (A) Nonenhanced CT scan shows vasogenic edema in the right anterior parietal white ma...
<bold>Figure 12.50. Brain abscesses. A.</bold> Left frontal brain abscess. CT image after intravenous contrast enhancement shows the rim of the abscess to enhance (<italic>arrowheads</bold>). Notice the surrounding edema (<italic>open arrows</bold>). <bold>B.</bold> Left occipital lobe abscess (*) following contrast enhancement.
<bold>Figure 12.50. Brain abscesses. A.</bold> Left frontal brain abscess. CT image after intravenous contrast enhancement sho...
<bold><italic>Figure 23-29</bold> Brain abscess.</bold> An abscess in the basal ganglia in a patient with bacterial endocarditis. The deviation of the midline resulted from unilateral cerebral edema.
<bold><italic>Figure 23-29</bold> Brain abscess.</bold> An abscess in the basal ganglia in a patient with bacteria...