Fever, malaise; decreased appetite common prior to onset of rash
Fever low grade to moderate and persists after rash appears
Pruritic rash begins on scalp, face, or trunk.
New ...
Isolation of hospitalized patients with chickenpox:
Contact and airborne precautions of the index case for the duration of vesicular eruption and all vesicles crusted (usually...
For most children, this childhood exanthema is a benign disease that lasts ...
American Academy of Pediatrics. Varicella-zoster virus infections. In: Kimberlin DW, Brady MT, Jackson MA, et al, eds. Red Book®: 2015 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases...
052.9 Varicella without mention of complication
053.9 Herpes zoster without mention of complication
052.8 Chickenpox with unspecified complication
052.9 Varicella without mention of complicatio...
Q: What do you do for a patient on corticosteroids who has not had VZV and is exposed to VZV?
A: Patients receiving ≥2 mg/kg/24 h or ≥20 mg/24 h of prednisone or its equivalent cannot be immunized ...
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Varicella: back, child
FIG. 11.57. (A, B) Varicella. This patient displays the typical findings in varicella. Lesions occur in different stages. Most characteristic are vesicles and "dewdrops" (2- to 3-mm fine vesicles on a 4- to 5-mm base of erythema).
FIG. 11.57. (A, B) Varicella. This patient displays the typical findings in varicella. Lesions occur in different stages. Most characteris...
FIG. 11.58. Varicella. This child also displays typical lesions.
FIG. 15.12. Herpes zoster involving the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve. The patient presented with 6 days of eye pain and rash that included vesicles on the nose.
FIG. 15.12. Herpes zoster involving the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve. The patient presented with 6 days of eye pain and rash ...
Rash of varicella on abdomen in pregnant woman.
Rash of varicella: Crops of lesions in various stages (vesicles, pustules, scabs).
Congenital varicella syndrome.
<bold>Figure 66-3</bold> Breakthrough varicella. Note the "dew-drop-on-a-rose-petal" appearance of this lesion in a child previously immunized against varicella. (Courtesy of Esther K. Chung, MD.)
<bold>Figure 66-3</bold> Breakthrough varicella. Note the "dew-drop-on-a-rose-petal" appearance of this lesion in a child prev...
<bold>Figure 66-4</bold> Varicella. Note the various stages of the lesions: papular, vesicular, and crusted lesions. (Courtesy of Shirley P. Klein, MD.)
<bold>Figure 66-4</bold> Varicella. Note the various stages of the lesions: papular, vesicular, and crusted lesions. (Courte...
FIG. 11.61. Varicella pneumonia. Severe pneumonia developed in this patient shortly after she developed vesicular skin lesions that were positive for varicella-zoster virus by direct fluorescent antibody. Varicella causes a diffuse, miliary pattern.
FIG. 11.61. Varicella pneumonia. Severe pneumonia developed in this patient shortly after she developed vesicular skin lesions that were p...