Concussion is defined by short-term clinical symptoms and/or impairment of neurologic function after head/brain trauma, with or without loss of consciousness, and without abnormality...
Concussion is primarily a clinical diagnosis based on a history of trauma and typical acute signs and symptoms including headache, nausea, dizziness, confusion, imbalance, impaired memory, s...
Remove the child from the activity with no return to play if concussion is suspected.
Provider or caregiver should monitor the child for several hours after the injury to eval...
These include diffic...
CDC HEADS UP for Health Care Providers: [View Abstract on OvidInsights]
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Nonfatal traumati...
850.9 Concussion, unspecified
310.2 Postconcussion syndrome
780.93 Memory loss
850 Concussion with no loss of consciousness
850.12 Concussion, with loss of consciousness from 31 to 59 minutes
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<bold>Figure 12.22. Contrecoup brain injury. A.</bold> CT image at bone window shows a fracture in the right posterior parietal bone (<i>arrow</i>). <bold>B.</bold> Same image at brain window shows areas of intracerebral hemorrhage in the frontal lobes (<i>arrows</i>). Notice the scalp hematoma (*) in the right occipital area.
<bold>Figure 12.22. Contrecoup brain injury. A.</bold> CT image at bone window shows a fracture in the right posterior parieta...