Symptoms, when present, can also include abdominal p...
Acute onset of symptoms combined with exposure to any of the transmission sources discussed above should prompt consideration. Fever and vomiting are symptoms more commonly found in c...
In immunocompetent patients, disease is typically self-limited, and no treatment is...
Because the oocysts can be shed in the stool for weeks after clinical resolution, it is important to realize that asymptomatic patients can still transmit the infection t...
American Academy of Pediatrics. Cryptosporidiosis. In: Kimberlin DW, Brady MT, Jackson MA, et al, eds. Red Book: 2015 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases. 30th ed. Elk G...
58777003 Infection by Cryptosporidium (disorder)
66160001 Cryptosporidial gastroenteritis (disorder)
Q: For whom should cryptosporidiosis be considered as a differential diagnosis?
A: For anyone with acute onset of watery diarrhea with any of the mentioned risk factors
Q: When is it safe for a chil...
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