Daytime wetting in a child ≥5 years of age warrants evaluation.
Causes of functional incontinence include an array of bladder storage and voiding disorders.
Voiding dysfunction is abno...
Onset (primary vs. secondary)
Frequency and degree of wetting
Presence or absence of any dry interval
Frequency of voiding
Signs of urgency, use of hold maneuvers, waiting until the last ...
Aggressive management of bowels so that child is passing at least one soft bowel movement daily (see “Constipation”) ≥5 years old
Adequate hydration
Bolus water drinking
Spontaneous cure rate of 14% per year without treatment
72% of patients sustained improvement 1 year after simple behavioral therapy.
Local irritation and inflammation...
Deshpande AV, Craig JC, Smith GH, et al. Management of daytime urinary incontinence and lower urinary tract symptoms in children. J Paediatr Child Health. 2012;48(2):E44–E52. ...
788.30 Urinary incontinence, unspecified
788.39 Other urinary incontinence
R32 Unspecified urinary incontinence
N39.498 Other specified urinary incontinence
281862002 Daytime enuresis
Q: What is normal voiding frequency for a child?
A: Children between 5 and 12 years of age should void 6 to 7 times per day, or about every 2 to 3 hours. This pattern sometimes doesn’t fit into the...
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<bold>Figure 29.4.</bold> Surgical therapy for urinary incontinence. (<bold>A1–A3</bold>) Anterior vaginal wall repair, the Kelly-Kennedy procedure. (<bold>A1</bold>) Anterior vaginal wall is opened and undermined. (<bold>A2</bold>) Paraurethral tissue lateral to the urethrovesical (UV) junction is sutured. (<bold>A3</bold>) This creates a firm bar of tissue that supports the UV junction. (<bold>B1–B4</bold>) Retropubic suspension procedures, the Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz procedure. (<bold>B1</bold>) The suture is placed in the per...
<bold>Figure 29.4.</bold> Surgical therapy for urinary incontinence. (<bold>A1–A3</bold>) Anterior vaginal wall re...
Figure 29.5. Surgical therapy for urinary incontinence. (A1-A3) Anterior vaginal wall repair, the Kelly-Kennedy procedure. (A1) Anterior vaginal wall is opened and undermined. (A2) Paraurethral tissue lateral to the urethrovesical (UV) junction is sutured. (A3) This creates a firm bar of tissue that supports the UV junction. (B1-B4) Retropubic suspension procedures, the Marshall-Marchetti-Krantz procedure. (B1) The suture is placed in the periurethral tissue and then into the pubic periost...
Figure 29.5. Surgical therapy for urinary incontinence. (A1-A3) Anterior vaginal wall repair, the Kelly-Kennedy procedure. (A1) Anterior ...
Figure 29.4. Pessaries. (A) Inflatable. (B) Doughnut. (C) Smith-Hodge. (D) Cube.