Multiple miscarriages (suggesting a genetic disorder)
Maternal health and/or medical diagnoses
Tobacco, alc...
Medications that stimulate appetite and growth hormone therapy have not been extensively studied in FTT.
Nutritional supplements and calorie-dense foods help promote catch-up growth...
Monitoring should continue until weight for height deficit is repaired and child no longer needs a specialized diet to maintain normal growth.
The Centers for Disease Control and Preventio...
Mash C, Frazier T, Nowacki A, et al. Development of a risk-stratification tool for medical child abuse in failure to thrive. Pediatrics. 2011;128(6):e1467–e1473. [View Abstrac...
779.34 Failure to thrive in newborn
783.21 Loss of weight
783.3 Feeding difficulties and mismanagement
783.41 Failure to thrive
P92.6 Failure to thrive in newborn
R63.4 Abnormal weight loss
Q: How should weight gain while hospitalized be interpreted?
A: Children with and without medical illnesses will grow with sufficient caloric intake. Growth during hospitalization is not diagnostic...
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Trisomy 21 in the karyotype of a child with Down syndrome. All other chromosomes are normal.
A. Translocation of the long arms of chromosomes 14 and 21 at the centromere. Loss of the short arms is not clinically significant, and these individuals are clinically normal, although they are at risk for producing offspring with unbalanced translocations. B. Karyotype of translocation of chromosome 21 into 14, resulting in Down syndrome.
A. Translocation of the long arms of chromosomes 14 and 21 at the centromere. Loss of the short arms is not clinically significant, and th...
<bold>FIGURE 7-7</bold> Turner syndrome. Short stature, stocky build, crest chest, lack of breast development, and cubitus valgus are evident in this 13-year-old girl.
<bold>FIGURE 7-7</bold> Turner syndrome. Short stature, stocky build, crest chest, lack of breast development, and cubitus val...
<bold>FIGURE 38-1.</bold> In irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS) , the spastic contractions of the bowel can be seen on x-ray contrast studies.
<bold>FIGURE 38-1.</bold> In irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS) , the spastic contractions of the bowel can be seen on x-ray cont...