Painless lymphadenopathy slowly increasing in size. Lymphadenopathy often present for weeks to months before presentation. Cervical or supraclavicular sites most common.
Long-term survival in pediatric patients with HL is >90%. Recent treatment strategies have therefore focused on decreasing intensity of therapy to minimize late effects. Chemoth...
Patients are monitored for evidence of disease recurrence and for long-term toxicity from chemotherapy/radiation therapy. Two thirds of recurren...
Cote GM, Canellos GP. Can low-risk, early-stage patients with Hodgkin lymphoma be spared radiotherapy? Curr Hematol Malig Rep. 2011;6(3):180–186. [View Abstract on OvidInsight...
201.90 Hodgkin’s disease, unspecified type, unspecified site, extranodal and solid organ sites
201.91 Hodgkin’s disease, unspecified type, lymph nodes of head, face, and neck
201.92 Hodgkin’s ...
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Several multinucleated Reed-Sternberg cells are present in an inflammatory background including histiocytes, lymphocytes, and a few plasma cells and eosinophils.
Several multinucleated Reed-Sternberg cells are present in an inflammatory background including histiocytes, lymphocytes, and a few plasma...
Pleomorphic mononuclear Hodgkin cells predominate in this field.
FIGURE 57.6. Bilateral hilar and right paratracheal lymphadenopathy caused by Hodgkin lymphoma.
<bold>Figure 27-12</bold> Hodgkin lymphoma. Large, fixed cervical masses in a 14-year-old with weight loss. (Courtesy of Mary L. Brandt, MD.)
<bold>Figure 27-12</bold> Hodgkin lymphoma. Large, fixed cervical masses in a 14-year-old with weight loss. (Courtesy of Mary...
<bold>FIGURE 20-72. Reed-Sternberg and Hodgkin cells.</bold> The cells are positive for CD30 (immunohistochemistry)
<bold>FIGURE 20-73. Hodgkin lymphoma; nodular sclerosis. A.</bold> A cut section of matted lymph nodes shows broad bands of fibrosis that divide the parenchyma into distinct nodules. Several foci of necrosis are evident. <bold>B.</bold> A low-power photomicrograph demonstrates broad bands of fibrosis.
<bold>FIGURE 20-73. Hodgkin lymphoma; nodular sclerosis. A.</bold> A cut section of matted lymph nodes shows broad bands of fi...