Hydronephrosis: dilation of the renal pelvis (pelviectasis) and calyces (caliectasis) due to excess urine in the collecting system of the kidney
Hydroureteronephrosis: dilation of the...
Antenatal hydronephrosis: presence of hydronephrosis or hydroureteronephrosis
If unilateral, severity of hydronephrosis and the status of contralateral kidney
If bilateral, pres...
Ureteropelvic junction obstruction
After initial evaluation, infants are usually followed with serial studies, either ultrasound or renal scans, depending on the d...
Darge K, Higgins M, Hwang TJ, et al. Magnetic resonance and computed tomography in pediatric urology: an imaging overview for current and future daily practice. Radiol Clin North Am...
591 Hydronephrosis
753.29 Other obstructive defects of renal pelvis and ureter
753.21 Congenital obstruction of ureteropelvic junction
N13.30 Unspecified hydronephrosis
N13.39 Other hydrone...
Q: If my baby has hydronephrosis affecting only one kidney, will he need a kidney transplant?
A: In the absence of oligohydramnios and bilateral hydroureteronephrosis, it would be very rare that a ...
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