Hypertension: average systolic and/or diastolic blood pressure (BP) at or above the 95th percentile for age, gender, and height percentile or ≥130/80 mm Hg in adolescents ≥13 years o...
Hypertensive emergency: severely elevated BP with evidence of target organ injury (encephalopathy, seizures, renal damage)
Hypertensive urgency: severely elevated BP with no evidence of secon...
If BP is >95th percentile, it should be repeated on two more occasions.
If BP is >99th percentile plus 5 mm Hg, prompt referral for evaluation and therapy should be made...
The reduction of BP with medication should be gradual to avoid side effects.
Ongoing monitoring is required for medication side effects, such as ...
Feld LG, Corey H. Hypertension in childhood. Pediatr Rev. 2007;28(8):283–298. [View Abstract on OvidInsights]
McCambridge TM, Benjamin HJ, Brenner JS, et al; for Council on Spo...
401.9 Unspecified essential hypertension
405.99 Other unspecified secondary hypertension
405.19 Other benign secondary hypertension
405.91 Unspecified renovascular hypertension
405.11 Benign ren...
Q: What is the value of ambulatory BP monitoring?
A: This device is similar to a Holter monitor and repeatedly measures BPs over a 24-hour period while the patient is awake and asleep. By reviewing...
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