Intoeing, as a presumptive diagnosis, results in numerous orthopedic consultations.
Causes of intoeing are most frequently one or more of the following: metatarsus adductus, internal ...
Varies based on age of presentation
The most common reasons for malalignment visits in the preambulatory infant are either intoeing due to metatarsus adductus/internal tibial torsion o...
The younger child (<8 years) should spontaneously resolve minor internal torsion of the tibia and femur.
Corrective shoes, Denis-Browne bars, twister cables, stretching, and formal physica...
Most patients are discharged with follow-up “as needed” with instructions to return if the problem hasn’t improved over a period of 2 years or if the problem acutely worsens.
Craig CL, Goldberg MJ. Foot and leg problems. Pediatr Rev. 1993;14(10):395–400. [View Abstract on OvidInsights]
Fuchs R, Staheli LT. Sprinting and intoeing. J Pediatr Orthop. ...
754.43 Congenital bowing of tibia and fibula
Q68.4 Congenital bowing of tibia and fibula
108761000119101 Congenital internal tibial torsion (finding)
275864001 On examination - intoe...
Q: Are special shoes or braces ever indicated for tibial torsion?
A: There is no convincing evidence that any of these treatments truly alter the natural history of the condition. The situation wil...
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<bold>Figure 44-2</bold> Tibial torsion. A 4-year-old with a negative thigh foot angle.