Animal bites
Approximate frequency
Dogs: 80–90%
Type of animal
Apparent health of the animal
Provocation for the attack
Timing of the bite
Location of the bite or bites
Availability of animal for undergoing observation (i.e....
Wound care:
Copious irrigation with normal saline or tap water to remove visible debris
Do not use antimicrobial solutions to irrigate.
Cleanse but do not irrigate puncture woun...
Signs and symptoms of infection
All patients with significant bites should receive follow-up 48 hours after bite.
American Veterinary Medical Association. Dog bite prevention. Accessed March 5, 2018. [View Abstract on OvidInsights]
882.0 Open wound of hand except finger(s) alone, without mention of complication
873.40 Open wound of face, unspecified site, without mention of complication
883.0 Open wound of finger(s), wit...
Q: What are the clinical features of Pasteurella infections?
A: Infections caused by Pasteurella tend to progress rapidly, usually over a 12- to 24-hour period, and are characterized by tenderness ...
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FIG. 3.14. An infected dog bite.
FIG. 3.15. This child sustained a dog bite to the foot, which was sutured at another institution. On follow-up, he had both cellulites (A) and a phalangeal fracture (B), possibly complicated by osteomyelitis.
FIG. 3.15. This child sustained a dog bite to the foot, which was sutured at another institution. On follow-up, he had both cellulites (A)...
FIG. 22.40. A: This 12-year-old girl had been bitten by her dog and later hospitalized for cellulitis that improved on intravenous antimicrobials. B: When the infection recurred, a radiograph was obtained that showed a fracture from the initial dog bite. The patient was treated for osteomyelitis, and the infection resolved.
FIG. 22.40. A: This 12-year-old girl had been bitten by her dog and later hospitalized for cellulitis that improved on intravenous antimic...