Two specific diagnoses
Otitis media with effusion, middle ear effusion...
Recent abrupt onset of signs and symptoms of middle ear inflammation and MEE
Ear pain for <48 hours
New-onset otorrhea not caused by acute otitis externa
Past medical...
Do not use prophylactic antibiotics to reduce frequency of episodes of AOM in children with recurrent AOM.
AOM management should include pain evaluation and treatment.
Expect symptomatic improvement within 48 to 72 hours of treatment; may need to switch antibiotic and/or evaluate for complications
Follow-up exam should be schedul...
Coker TR, Chan LS, Newberry SJ, et al. Diagnosis, microbial epidemiology, and antibiotic treatment of acute otitis media in children: a systematic review. JAMA. 2010;304(19):2...
382.9 Unspecified otitis media
381.00 Acute nonsuppurative otitis media, unspecified
381.3 Other and unspecified chronic nonsuppurative otitis media
381.4 Nonsuppurative otitis media, not speci...
Q: When should children with AOM be treated?
A: Antibiotic therapy for AOM in children ≥6 months of age with severe signs or symptoms; antibiotic therapy for bilateral AOM in children 6 to 23 month...
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Otitis media
Otitis Media A bulging red tympanic membrane may indicate pus or fluid in the middle ear, a sign of otitis media. Infection of the middle ear often is secondary to upper respiratory infections. Inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane lining the tympanic cavity may cause partial or complete blockage of the pharyngotympanic tube. The tympanic membrane becomes red and bulges and the person may complain of "ear popping." If untreated, otitis media may produce impaired hearing as the re...
Otitis Media A bulging red tympanic membrane may indicate pus or fluid in the middle ear, a sign of otitis media. Infection of the middle ...
Understanding the common cold, the ear, secretory otitis media.
Understanding the common cold, the ear, acute otitis media.