Inflammation within the pancreas characterized by three phases: (i) early trypsin activation within acinar cells; followed by (ii) surrounding intrapancreatic inflammation; and final...
Onset, location, and severity can be variable in children.
Aggravated by food intake
Nonverbal patients (i.e., younger age, developmental delay) may present with increased irritabil...
Aggressive volume resuscitation with isotonic solutions is the cornerstone of therapy for AP.
Adult data supports the use of lactated Ringer solution (has not been studied...
Pancreatic edema
Peripancreatic fat necrosis
Acute pancreatic fluid collections
Pancreatic necrosis
Pancreatic pseudo...
Bai HX, Lowe ME, Husain SZ. What have we learned about acute pancreatitis in children? J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2011;52(3):262–270. [View Abstract on OvidInsights]
Banks P...
577.0 Acute pancreatitis
577.1 Chronic pancreatitis
K85.9 Acute pancreatitis, unspecified
K86.1 Other chronic pancreatitis
K85.8 Other acute pancreatitis
K85.0 Idiopathic acute pancreatitis
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<bold>Fig GI 12-5 Acute pancreatitis.</bold> (A) Complete gastric outlet obstruction. (B) As the acute inflammatory process subsides, some barium passes through the severely spastic and narrowed second portion of the duodenum (arrows).
<bold>Fig GI 12-5 Acute pancreatitis.</bold> (A) Complete gastric outlet obstruction. (B) As the acute inflammatory process su...