Erythema infectiosum (fifth disease)
Characterized by an erythematous facial rash with a dis...
There is no specific antiviral therapy for B19 infection.
Most patients require supportive care only.
Transfusions may be required for treatment of severe anemia in patients wi...
The rash of erythema infectiosum in a child or adult may last up to 20 days. It may, at times, fade and/or intensify, depending on sunl...
American Academy of Pediatrics. Parvovirus B19. In: Kimberlin DW, Brady MT, Jackson MA, et al, eds. Red Book®: 2015 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases. Elk Grove Villag...
Q: When may children with B19 infection return to school?
A: Children are contagious only during the prodromal phase of illness, which is often unrecognized. Once the rash appears, they are no long...
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Figure 143.1. A lacy or reticular pattern of erythema, as evident on the thigh, is characteristic of erythema infectiosum.
<bold>Figure 60-4</bold> Erythema infectiosum. Bilateral erythematous macular rash on cheeks—"slapped cheeks." (Courtesy of George A. Datto, III, MD.)
<bold>Figure 60-4</bold> Erythema infectiosum. Bilateral erythematous macular rash on cheeks—"slapped cheeks." (Courtesy of Ge...