Penile problems:
Buried penis
Hidden or concealed penis, poor skin fixation at the penoscrotal/penopubic junction resulting in buried or hidden appearance
May be normal in obese childre...
Issues with newborn circumcision
Ability to retract foreskin
Retraction of foreskin in uncircumcised males during voiding
Penis straight with erection
Character of urinary stream
Physiologic: no need for intervention
Good hygiene practices should be encouraged such as pulling the foreskin back to expose the meatus when voiding and not voiding t...
It is important that all parents of uncircumcised boys teach them proper hygiene habits during toilet training.
Guidance for parents:
Do not forcibly retract the foreskin.
Blalock HJ, Vemulakonda V, Ritchey ML, et al. Outpatient management of phimosis following newborn circumcision. J Urol. 2003;169(6):2332–2334. [View Abstract on OvidInsights]
752.65 Hidden penis
752.63 Congenital chordee
752.69 Other penile anomalies
607.1 Balanoposthitis
753.6 Atresia and stenosis of urethra and bladder neck
607.89 Other specified disorders of penis
Q: The foreskin is stuck down to my son’s penis. Does that mean he needs another circumcision?
A: Not necessarily. If there is minor redundancy and a small physiologic adhesion, then no treatment i...
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FIG. 9.1. The parents of this boy with physiologic phimosis (A) retracted his foreskin, causing a paraphimosis (B).
<bold>Figure 50-1</bold> Phimosis. (Courtesy of T. Ernesto Figueroa)