Most common symptoms:
Sharp precordial chest pain: increasing with inspiration and cough and often relieved if the child sits leaning forward
Shoulder pain aggravated...
Treatment should be directed toward the etiology of the disease. However, no matter the cause, pericardiocentesis is required if there is an effusion that causes hemodynamic ...
Most forms of pericarditis resolve on their own or with anti-inflammatory medication, over the course of several weeks.
Follow-up is necessary to ensure that effusions have resolved and to...
Alabed S, Pérez-Gaxiola G, Burls A. Colchicine for children with pericarditis: systematic review of clinical studies. Arch Dis Child. 2016;101(10):953–956. [View Abstract on O...
423.9 Unspecified disease of pericardium
420.90 Acute pericarditis, unspecified
423.8 Other specified diseases of pericardium
420.91 Acute idiopathic pericarditis
423.2 Constrictive pericarditis
Q: How does cardiac tamponade present?
A: Patients with impending tamponade appear quite ill, with tachycardia, chest pain, and signs of right-sided heart failure including jugular venous distentio...
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Figure 138.1. Electrocardiogram of a 35-year-old man with acute pericarditis. Note the diffuse, concave-upward ST-segment elevation.
<bold>Fig CA 20-1 Infectious pericarditis.</bold> Globular enlargement of the cardiac silhouette reflects a combination of pericarditis and pericardial effusion in a patient with coxsackievirus infection. There are small pleural effusions bilaterally.
<bold>Fig CA 20-1 Infectious pericarditis.</bold> Globular enlargement of the cardiac silhouette reflects a combination of per...
<bold>FIGURE 26-2</bold> Fibrinous pericarditis. The heart of a patient who died in uremia displays a shaggy, fibrinous exudate covering the visceral pericardium.
<bold>FIGURE 26-2</bold> Fibrinous pericarditis. The heart of a patient who died in uremia displays a shaggy, fibrinous exudat...
Constrictive pericarditis. The heart is encased in a fibrotic, thickened, and adherent pericardium.
Aspirating pericardial fluid In pericardiocentesis, a needle and syringe are inserted through the chest wall into the pericardial sac (as shown below). Electrocardiographic (ECG) monitoring, with a leadwire attached to the needle and electrodes placed on the limbs (right arm [RA], left arm [LA], and left leg [LL]), helps ensure proper needle placement and avoids damage to the heart.
Aspirating pericardial fluid In pericardiocentesis, a needle and syringe are inserted through the chest wall into the pericardial sac (as s...