Periorbital or preseptal cellulitis is an acute infection characterized by pain, erythema, and edema to the anterior eyelid and surrounding tissue.
The infection lies superficial to t...
Onset, time course of symptom progression, and any predisposing factors
A history of trauma is suggestive of periorbital cellulitis.
A history of prolonged sinus disease suggests orbita...
Simple periorbital cellulitis should be empirically treated based on local prevalence of Staphylococcus and Streptococcus species.
Consider methicillin-resistant Staphylococcu...
Watch patients closely for signs of orbital extension, bacteremia, or other forms of disseminated infection.
Neonates and infants can become sept...
Bedwell J, Bauman N. Management of pediatric orbital cellulitis and abscess. Curr Opin Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2011;19(6):467–473. [View Abstract on OvidInsights]
Foster JA...
376.01 Orbital cellulitis
373.13 Abscess of eyelid
H05.019 Cellulitis of unspecified orbit
H00.039 Abscess of eyelid unspecified eye, unspecified eyelid
H05.012 Cellulitis of left orbit
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FIG. 11.35. Periorbital cellulitis. This boy has pronounced erythema and edema of the periorbital region. Without checking for proptosis and limitation of extraocular movements, periorbital cellulitis and orbital cellulitis appear indistinguishable. In some cases, a computed tomography scan is required to make the differentiation.
FIG. 11.35. Periorbital cellulitis. This boy has pronounced erythema and edema of the periorbital region. Without checking for proptosis an...
FIG. 11.36. Cellulitis of the knee. Cellulitis in this patient developed at the site of a minor wound (A). The child was presented with fever and lymphangitic streaking (B).
FIG. 11.36. Cellulitis of the knee. Cellulitis in this patient developed at the site of a minor wound (A). The child was presented with fev...