Pertussis is one of the most highly comm...
History of a cough illness in other family members, including older siblings, parents, and grandparents, is important to elicit.
Three clinical stages
Catarrhal stage (1 to 2 weeks) wit...
Patients with more severe disease manifestations (apnea, cyanosis, feeding difficulties) or other complications require hospitalization for supportive care:
Infants <6 mont...
Highest mortality is observe...
American Academy of Pediatrics. Pertussis (whooping cough). In: Kimberlin DW, Brady MT, Jackson MA, et al, eds. Red Book: 2015 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases. 30th e...
033.9 Whooping cough, unspecified organism
033.0 Whooping cough due to bordetella pertussis B. pertussis
484.3 Pneumonia in whooping cough
033.1 Whooping cough due to bordetella parapertussis B...
Q: Why is the transmission of pertussis difficult to control in the young infant?
A: Unfortunately, many physicians do not consider pertussis in adolescents or adults because the symptoms can be no...
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Cleaved cell (butt) CELL TYPE: Lymphocyte DESCRIPTION: Small, mature lymphocyte with cleaved nucleus CLINICAL CONDITIONS: Pertussis (Whooping cough) Lymphoma CLL
Cleaved cell (butt) CELL TYPE: Lymphocyte DESCRIPTION: Small, mature lymphocyte with cleaved nucleus CLINICAL CONDITIONS: Per...