Infection by a small, white nematode (roundworm), typically Enterobius vermicularis
Pinworms may also be caused by Enterobius gregorii in Europe, Africa, and Asia.
Prior pinworms or sibling with pinworms
Eggs can survive for several days in the environment, and the incubation period can be 1 to 2 months.
Spread can occur between family members.
Reinfection is common especially if not all close contacts are treated.
Treat all symptomatic contacts, and consider treating close household contacts, especially if repeated infections have ...
National Library of Medicine’s health information site:
American Academy of Pediatrics. Pinworms infection (Enterobius vermicularis). In: Kimberlin DW, Brady MT, Jackson MA, et al, eds. Red Book: 2015 Report of the Committee on Infectiou...
Q: Could the child have acquired pinworms from a pet dog or cat?
A: No. Household pets are not involved in the life cycles of pinworms.
Q: When can an infected child return to day care?
A: After rece...
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FIGURE 28.49. Pinworm egg from urine of 11-year-old girl. One side of the long axis is always more curved than the other.
Figure 32.3. Several mature eggs of E. vermicularis from a cellophane tape preparation show an asymmetric configuration and transparent shells and contain coiled larvae. Phase-contrast microscopy, 3125.
Figure 32.3. Several mature eggs of E. vermicularis from a cellophane tape preparation show an asymmetric configuration and transparent s...
<bold>FIG. 32.3.</bold> Vulval granuloma inguinale of relatively recent origin. Some lesions are separate, others confluent. The margin of lesion is raised and scrolled; the base is granular and covered imperfectly by thin, gray slough. (From Demis DJ, Crounse RG, Dobson RL, et al, eds. Clinical dermatology, Vol 3. Hagerstown, MD: Harper & Row, 1972, with permission.)
<bold>FIG. 32.3.</bold> Vulval granuloma inguinale of relatively recent origin. Some lesions are separate, others confluent. T...
Figure 32.11. Three female worms of E. vermicularis are seen in a cellophane tape preparation.
Pinworms - Main image shows young child scratch the anal region, an indication of pinworm (enterobius vermicularis) infestion; insert shows pinworms as seen under a microscope.
Pinworms - Main image shows young child scratch the anal region, an indication of pinworm (enterobius vermicularis) infestion; insert show...