Definition of portal hypertension (P-HTN): elevation of portal pressure (PP) >5 mm Hg
Risk of developing complications occurs with “clinically significant P-HTN”: PP >10 mm Hg
History of neonatal umbilical catheterization
History of chronic hepatitis; underlying medical problem such as cystic fibrosis, tyrosinemia, glycogen storage disease, Wilson disease
Risk of bleeding from EV is increased in setting of P-HTN and the presence of splenomegaly and thrombocytopenia. Surveillance endoscopy and primary prophyla...
Patients are followed closely for hepatic decompensation.
Growth failure, recurrent life-threatening bleeds not controllable with prophylactic intervention, refrac...
Abd El-Hamid N, Taylor RM, Marinello D, et al. Aetiology and management of extrahepatic portal vein obstruction in children: King’s College Hospital experience. J Pediatr Gastroente...
572.3 Portal hypertension
572.2 Hepatic encephalopathy
573.5 Hepatopulmonary syndrome
456.8 Varices of other sites
456.1 Esophageal varices without mention of bleeding
K76.6 Portal hypertens...
Q: What is my child’s long-term prognosis?
A: Disease prognosis of P-HTN depends on the underlying cause. Variceal bleeding associated with prehepatic causes of P-HTN such as PVT typically becomes ...
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