Disorders caused by the Rickettsiae family of organisms including those which cause Rocky Mountain spotted fever and other similar tick-borne illnesses, the typhus group, and the org...
In general, rickettsial disease should be considered as a diagnosis in a patient with fever, headache, and rash. Progression of rash can be particularly helpful in considering the dia...
Fluid resuscitation and respiratory support as indicated
Antimicrobial therapy should be instituted as soon as the diagnosis is suspected and should not be delayed while await...
Buckingham SC, Marshall GS, Schutze GE, et al; for Tick-borne Infections in Children Study Group. Clinical and laboratory features, hospital course, and outcome of Rocky Mountain sp...
083.9 Rickettsiosis, unspecified
082.0 Spotted fevers
081.9 Typhus, unspecified
082.40 Ehrlichiosis, unspecified
083.2 Rickettsialpox
082.8 Other specified tick-borne rickettsioses
082.3 Queenslan...
Q: Should my child receive antibiotics if he is bitten by a tick in an area endemic to rickettsial disease?
A: There is no role for prophylaxis against rickettsial diseases for patients who have su...
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