Diagnosis is clinical, based on classic features.
Affected children generally do not look sick.
Fever, typically >39.5°C, lasting 3 to 7 days
Mild cough and acute rhinitis may be pres...
Febrile seizures
Most common complication of roseola
Between 10% and 15% of children have a generalized t...
American Academy of Pediatrics. Human herpesvirus 6 (including roseola) and 7. In: Kimberlin DW, Brady MT, Jackson MA, et al, eds. Red Book: 2015 Report of the Committee on Infectio...
058.10 Roseola infantum, unspecified
058.11 Roseola infantum due to human herpesvirus 6
058.12 Roseola infantum due to human herpesvirus 7
057.8 Other specified viral exanthemata
B08.20 Exa...
Q: When can a child with roseola return to day care?
A: As soon as fever subsides; there is no infectious risk of spread afterward. The child may return to day care even with the rash visible.
Q: Wi...
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Figure 143.2. The scattered maculopapular rash of roseola is most evident on the trunk, the face being relatively spared.
<bold>Figure 65-1</bold> Roseola. (Courtesy of John Loiselle, MD.)