Sleep-disordered breathing encompasses a range of breathing disorders occurring during sleep. These conditions include primary snoring (PS), respiratory events related to arousals (R...
Nocturnal symptoms:
Difficulty breathing when asleep, snoring, apnea, and restless sleep with frequent arousals
Daytime symptoms:
Excessive sleepiness, frequent upper respiratory/ear inf...
In most cases, adenotonsillectomy is 1st-line therapy. However, some patients continue to have significant postoperative OSAS that requires further evaluation.
Noninvasive ven...
Pulmonary hypertension, later cor pulmonale (rare)
American Academy of Sleep Medicine. The International Classification of Sleep Disorders: Diagnostic & Coding Manual. 2nd ed. Westchester, IL: American Academy of Sleep Medicin...
780.57 Unspecified sleep apnea
327.23 Obstructive sleep apnea (adult)(pediatric)
327.26 Sleep related hypoventilation/hypoxemia in conditions classifiable elsewhere
327.27 Central sleep apnea i...
Q: Can my child still have OSAS after adenotonsillectomy?
A: Yes. At times, the adenoid tissue can grow back again. In addition, some cases of OSAS are related to a small upper airway that is restr...
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