Smallpox is a life-threatening, acute, eruptive, contagious disease caused by variola virus.
The disease is characterized by a febrile prodrome followed by the development of rash.
Ordinary smallpox
Incubation period lasts 7 to 17 days, followed by a 1- to 4-day febrile prodrome characterized by high fever, headache, back pain, chills, abdominal pain, and emesis.
Suspected cases of smallpox require notification of state and local authorities, in addition to the CDC.
For patients with acute, generalized vesicular or pustular rash, insti...
The mortality rate for variola minor was <1%.
Historically, the overall mortality rate for variola major was 30% but was close to 100% for the flat and hemorrhagic forms of the...
Besser JM, Crouch NA, Sullivan M. Laboratory diagnosis to differentiate smallpox, vaccinia, and other vesicular/pustular illnesses. J Lab Clin Med. 2003;142(4):246–251. [View ...
050.9 Smallpox, unspecified
050.0 Variola major
050.2 Modified smallpox
67924001 Smallpox (disorder)
47452006 Variola major (disorder)
51423006 Modified smallpox (disorder...
Q: What are my first steps in management should I suspect smallpox in a patient?
A: If, after reviewing the CDC protocol for evaluation of suspected smallpox and suspicion remains, the patients sho...
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Figure 140.1. Appearance of the rash of smallpox on day 6 and 7. All of the lesions are in the same stage of development.
Figure 140.2. Denuded areas of skin produced by the sloughing of confluent smallpox lesions.
<bold>FIGURE 72-1.</bold> Comparison of progression of smallpox rash and chicken pox rash. From World Health Organization. (2001) . <italic>WHO slide set on the diagnosis of smallpox.</bold>
<bold>FIGURE 72-1.</bold> Comparison of progression of smallpox rash and chicken pox rash. From World Health Organization. (20...