Tapeworms cause two major types of zoonotic disease syndromes, depending on whether humans are the definitive or intermediate host.
When humans serve as definitive hosts, adult tapewo...
Recent travel or immigration
Most patients with adult tapeworm infections are asymptomatic.
Household contacts of persons with adult pork tapeworm infection are at risk of cystercercosi...
Beef, pork, fish, and dog tapeworm (and most other intestinal cestodes)
Praziquantel: 5 to 10 mg/kg as a single oral dose; no safety profile exists for children <4 years of age.
Beef tapeworm
Stool should be checked for eggs and proglottids 1 month after therapy.
Pork tapeworm
Repeat CNS imaging studies at 2-month intervals...
Garcia HH, Nash TE, Del Brutto OH. Clinical symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of neurocysticercosis. Lancet Neurol. 2014;13(12):1202–1215. [View Abstract on OvidInsights]
Ito ...
123.9 Cestode infection, unspecified
123.2 Taenia saginata infection
123.0 Taenia solium infection, intestinal form
122.4 Echinococcus granulosus infection, unspecified
123.4 Diphyllobothriasis,...
Q: Can vegetarians develop neurocysticercosis?
A: Yes. Human cysticercosis results from consuming food/water contaminated by a tapeworm carrier (often a household contact), or when tapeworm carrier...
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<bold>FIGURE 54-5</bold> <bold>Life cycle of intestinal tapeworms <i>Taenia solium</i> (pork tapeworm) and <i>Taenia saginata</i> (beef tapeworm).</bold> Humans acquire intestinal tapeworm infections by ingesting the tissue stage of the parasite (cysticercus) in inadequately cooked meat (1). The parasite then hatches in the intestine (2) and matures to an intestinal tapeworm (3). The pork tapeworm (outside diagram) has a crown of spines on its head and ...
<bold>FIGURE 54-5</bold> <bold>Life cycle of intestinal tapeworms <i>Taenia solium</i> (pork tapeworm) and ...