Tendonitis: inflammation of a tendon or along the tendon sheath due to microtears
Tendinosis: tendon collagen degeneration due to chronic overuse
Increases with age and at ...
Trauma or overuse
Verify acute nature of injury.
Pop or snap felt at the time of the event
History of rheumatic disease (juvenile idiopathic arthritis [JIA], spondyloarthritis)
Rest/reduced use of the affected tendon/muscle group is essential, occasionally requiring splinting.
Duration of therapy
1 to 4 weeks
NSAIDs initially
Rarely, if ever, ...
Almekinders LC, Temple JD. Etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of tendonitis: an analysis of the literature. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1998;30(8):1183–1190. [View Abstract on OvidI...
Q: Which activities can result in overuse syndromes and tendonitis?
A: Virtually, any repetitive activity in which children engage can cause tendonitis. For example, pain in the tendons of the thum...
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