Adverse events after immunization may be a true vaccine-associated event or may be a coincidental event that would happen without immunization. Epidemiologic studies are important to estab...
Common mild adverse events after vaccination include:
Local erythema, swelling, and/or tenderness
Sleepiness and decreased appetite
Increased fussiness
Mild rash: occurs in 1 of 25 people u...
Before vaccination:
Discuss benefits and potential known adverse events so that families know what to expect.
Actively review vaccine information sheets.
Solicit concerns that they c...
American Academy of Pediatrics. Active immunization. In: Kimberlin DW, ed. Red Book: Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases. 30th ed. Washington, DC: American Academy of P...
999.9 Other and unspecified complications of medical care, not elsewhere classified
999.52 Other serum reaction due to vaccination
999.42 Anaphylactic reaction due to vaccination
999.39 Infecti...
Q: Many parents request spacing vaccines. Is there evidence that giving multiple vaccines at a time is too much for a child’s immune system?
A: Recommended vaccines have a very small amount of anti...
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