Chest discomfort, due to imbalance of myocardial blood supply and oxygen requirements
Canadian Cardiovascular Society classification for angina:
Class I: No angina with ordinary physic...
Chest pain:
Substernal pressure, heaviness, tightness, burning or squeezing
Radiates to neck, jaw, left shoulder, or arm
Poorly localized, visceral pain
Anginal equivale...
IV access
Vital signs and oxygen saturation
Cardiac monitoring
12-lead ECG, if possible
Sublingual nitroglycerin
Cardiac monit...
Patients with UA require admission to the hospital
Early intervention with cardiac catheterization likely decreases mortality in patients with elevations in cardi...
History is the most important factor in differentiating unstable from stable angina or noncardiac pain
All patients with chest pain or symptoms concerning for a cardiac etiology sho...
2012 Writing Committee Members, Jneid H, Anderson JL, et al. 2012 ACCF/AHA focused update of the guideline for the management of patients with unstable angina/Non-ST-elevation myo...
411.1 Intermediate coronary syndrome
413.1 Prinzmetal angina
413.9 Other and unspecified angina pectoris
I20.0 Unstable angina
I20.1 Angina pectoris with documented spasm
I20.9 Angina pector...
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