A grossly visible collection of blood in the anterior chamber of the eye
Microhyphema refers to red blood cells in the anterior chamber which do not layer out and are not grossly visi...
Eye pain and vision loss are the most common presenting complaints.
Photophobia and tearing may be present.
Nausea and vomiting are common.
Pediatric considerations: Investigate for pote...
If globe rupture is suspected, place an eye shield and consult ophthalmology immediately; no further examination or testing should be done.
Place the patient in a dark r...
Report sudden decrease in vision or increase in pain (suspicion for rebleeding ...
S05.10XA Contusion of eyeball and orbital tissues, unsp eye, init
H21.00 Hyphema, unspecified eye
231954005 Traumatic hyphema
75229002 Hyphema (disorder)
303019009 Spontaneous hyphema (di...
Hyphema is a collection of red blood cells in the anterior chamber that often results from trauma.
Once globe rupture has been excluded, a thorough examination for associated injuries a...
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