Erythema, moist maceration, ulceration, and crusting at the corners of the mouth
Three main types: irritant, allergic, and infectious
Also known as perlèche, angular cheilosis, commiss...
Ask about location and duration of symptoms and possible contact with irritants.
Soreness, pain, burning, or pruritus can be present.
Ask about medications or recent exposures.
Review to...
Improve denture fit.
Improve oral hygiene, including denture care.
Treat dry mouth/sicca syndrome.
Address issues with excess moisture if present
Avoid medications triggering dry...
Good oral hygiene
Barrier cream at night if loss of vertical dimension of mouth
Use medications as directed.
Use barrier creams at night once healed...
K13.0 Diseases of lips
B37.83 Candidal cheilitis
266429005 Angular cheilitis (disorder)
278521000 Candida angular cheilitis (disorder)
707240008 Angular cheilitis due to bacterial infecti...
Diagnosis usually straightforward based on history and physical
Initial treatment should be either topical antifungals, possibly combined with corticosteroids, or topical antibiotics.
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