Often an incidental finding on chest radiograph
It may not cause resting pulmonary symptoms unless there is underlying comorbidity such as COPD, cardiac disease, muscular weakness, ob...
Patients may be asymptomatic at rest.
Dyspnea on exertion/decreased exercise tolerance to previous activities - may be mild to severe unless patient has other underlying pulmonary dise...
Depends on the underlying cause and in the presence of nocturnal hypoventilation
Metabolic disturbances: Correct electrolyte and/or hormonal imbalances.
Nocturnal hypoventilati...
Patient monitoring up to 3 years for possible recovery
Periodic/serial chest films
Monitor for stability of lung function with serial pulmonary fu...
Often an incidental finding with chest radiograph
Dyspnea on exertion/decreased exercise tolerance may be mild to severe unless patient has other underlying pulmonary disease (asthma, C...
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