Potassium (K+) is the major intracellular cation and is important for all electrical activities in the body.
Majority of K+ (98%) is located intracellularly and high intracellular K+ ...
Patients may present with fatigue, muscle weakness, paralysis, myalgia, muscle cramps, polyuria (due to impaired urine concentrating ability), polydipsia, and constipation.
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Hypokalemia can be life-threatening and management primarily depends on the etiology, severity of hypokalemia, ongoing losses, and presence of symptoms. In severe hypokalemia...
In children with mild hypokalemia and clear cause of hypokalemia (such as GI losses or medications), further follow-up is not needed once serum K+ levels return t...
Gumz ML, Rabinowitz L, Wingo CS. An integrated view of potassium homeostasis. N Eng J Med. 2015;373(1):60–72. [View Abstract on OvidInsights]
Palmer BF. Regulation of potassium...
71275003 Pseudoprimary aldosteronism (disorder)
700107006 Bartter syndrome antenatal type 1 (disorder)
700109009 Bartter syndrome ...
Q: Should I be worried that hypokalemia will recur?
A: In patients with hypokalemia due to vomiting and diarrhea the problem is usually resolved once vomiting/diarrhea is resolved. Hypokalemia can ...
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