Accidental hypothermia is the result of an unanticipated environmental exposure to cold temperatures. It is manifested as a core temperature of <35°C (95°F).
May take several hours...
Presentation varies with the temperature of the patient at the time of presentation.
The history is often apparent in the setting of outdoor environmental exposures. It may be less cle...
Prehospital (1)[C]
Factors to guide treatment (while helpful, core temperature should not be the sole basis to guide treatment)
Level of consciousness
Shivering intensity
During acute episode
Monitor cardiac rhythm.
Monitor electrolytes and glucose frequently.
Monitor urinary output.
Follow blood gases.
Following acute...
Rathjen NA, Shahbodaghi SD, Brown JA. Hypothermia and Cold Weather Injuries. Am Fam Physician. 2019 Dec 1;100(11):680-686.
Frostbite; Nonfatal Drowning
Algorithm: Hypothermia
T68.XXXA Hypothermia, initial encounter
T68.XXXD Hypothermia, subsequent encounter
T68.XXXS Hypothermia, sequela
386689009 Hypothermia (finding)
83966006 Hypothermia due to cold environme...
The most common cause of hypothermia in the United States is cold exposure associated with alcohol intoxication.
With a severely decreased core temperature, begin resuscitation (if poss...
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