For bully-victims:
Emotional or peer problems; feeling unsafe at school; fear of a particular person; low peer acceptance
Poor academic performance
Somatic complaints: headache, abdomina...
Bully victimization is highly correlated with development of mental health complications, impaired social relationships, and poor quality of life.
In traditional bullying, med...
At medical visits, meet with patients alone to ask about bullying and victimization.
Consider psychiatric referral.
Alert teachers, coaches, supervising adults.
R4.5 Hostility
Z65.8 Other specified problems related to psychosocial circumstances
247997008 Bullying
248002008 Physical bullying
247998003 Emotional bullying
429683003 Bullying of child
Bullying can affect short- and long-term mental health and elicit suicidal ideation.
Rarely reported to adults; daily micro aggressions may have cumulative effects not perceived by pare...
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