Children entering foster care often arrive without medications or durable medical equipment (nebulizers, braces, etc.) needed for foster families to provide in-home care. Rev...
Children in foster care should receive preventive health services according to the American Academy of Pediatrics' schedule for children in foster care. Additiona...
Children's Bureau/ACYF/ACF/HHS. Foster Care Statistics 2019. Numbers and Trends. March 2021 Accessed 2021. ...
Z62.21 Child in welfare custody
Z62.822 Parent-foster child conflict
160871009 Child in foster care
183431002 Foster care
224104006 Member of foster family
224105007 Member of foster famil...
Youth in foster care have specialized medical and mental health needs.
Youth should be seen by a primary care provider at point of entry into foster care, within 72 hours of entering ca...
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