Traveler's diarrhea (TD) is the most common affliction associated with travel. It is often experienced when travelers from more developed countries visit resource-limited countries.
Travel itinerary
Type and duration of symptoms. Over 90% of diarrheal disease starts within 2 weeks of arrival in foreign destination. Incubation of most pathogens (bacterial and viral...
General prevention measures—hand hygiene, proper food and water preparation and storage
Attain prompt medical care for severe dehydration and/or severe pain.
Consider carrying ...
None for most travelers
Fluid status for geriatric, young kids, and those with chronic medical con...
11840006 Traveler's diarrhea
409966000 Acute diarrhea
62315008 Diarrhea
Up to 30–70% travelers visiting less developed countries will experience TD.
Most TD is caused by bacterial pathogens; regional differences guide treatment.
Most TD is mild and self-limi...
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