Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) identifies malnutrition in many forms, including undernutrition, inadequate intake of vitamins and minerals (micronutrients), and overwe...
Dietary history:
Diet before current illness episode
Adequacy of protein and total calories
Food and fluids taken in past few days
Special diets or use of health food milk alternatives, s...
Prevent and treat the following:
Electrolyte imbalances
Micronutrient deficiencies
Provide specially tailored feeds for the following ...
Treatment corrects the acute signs of the disease, but catch-up growth in height may never be achieved.
Mortality rate in kwashiorkor can be as high as 40%, but adequate treatment...
Becker PJ, Nieman Carney L, Corkins MR, et al. Consensus statement of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics/American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition: indicators recomm...
263.9 Unspecified protein-calorie malnutrition
260 Kwashiorkor
261 Nutritional marasmus
E46 Unspecified protein-calorie malnutrition
E40 Kwashiorkor
E41 Nutritional marasmus
238107002 D...
Q: What are some common causes of severe undernutrition in the United States that may present as kwashiorkor?
A: Chronic malabsorptive conditions (e.g., cystic fibrosis), autoimmune disease, and co...
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