Advance care planning (ACP) allows patients to have a voice in the decisions that affect their care if they lose the ability to do so for themselves.
There are several methods of add...
Suggested discussion points:
For all adult patients:
Assess willingness to engage in ACP. Do not force patients if they are not ready to have this potentially emotionally challenging conversat...
Current CPT codes are 99497 for the first 16-45 minutes of discussion and comple...
Aging with Dignity. Five wishes. h ttps://
American Bar Association. Toolkit for health care a...
Z71.89 Other specified counseling
Z51.5 Encounter for palliative care
Z66 Do not resuscitate
ACP is an important and underutilized element of compassionate and comprehensive patient-centered care.
The primary barriers to discussing advanced directives from the patient perspecti...
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