Cervical radiculopathy is a syndrome of pain and/or sensorimotor deficits resulting from compression and inflammation of a cervical nerve root at or near the neural foramen.
The most ...
If the radiculopathy is from a herniated disc, symptoms are usually acute; symptoms from spondylosis are typically more insidious.
Acute symptoms from herniation may be coincident with...
Optimal treatment is controversial. Most recognize conservative therapy as the initial treatment choice.
Subsequent options include physical therapy, epidural steroid injections, and surgical...
Keep the neck and shoulder girdle muscles strong.
Use correct posture when sitting (head centered over shoulders).
Set up wo...
Brown S, Guthmann R, Hitchcock K, et al. Clinical inquiries. Which treatments are effective for cervical radiculopathy? J Fam Pract. 2009;58(2):97–99.
Caridi JM, Pumberger M, H...
Distinguish radiculopathy from myelopathy.
Weakness is the most serious complication of cervical radiculopathy and should be followed closely.
MRI is the test of choice for imaging the d...
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