Hip dislocations can be congenital or traumatic and can occur in native hips or after total hip arthroplasty.
The remainder of this topic is dedicated to the evaluation and management...
Mechanism: can help guide the search for associated visceral and orthopedic injuries
Position at time of injury: Simple posterior dislocation most commonly occurs with force on a flexe...
Patients suffering a high-energy trauma sufficient to cause a hip dislocation commonly have associated injuries that take precedence for overall patient stabilization:
Establish a...
Given the high-energy mechanism of injury, most patients require admission, often to a trauma service, for continued evaluation and treatment of associated injuri...
Dumont GD. Hip instability: current concepts and treatment options. Clin Sports Med. 2016;35(3):435–447.
Stein MJ, Kang C, Ball V. Emergency department evaluation and treatment...
Of primary concern when evaluating the patient with a posterior hip dislocation is the attainment of early reduction (within 6 hr) to prevent long-term sequelae and the search for addi...
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