Injury that typically occurs at the unfused apophysis (secondary growth center) in an adolescent athlete
Apophyseal fractures are more common in pediatric patients than muscle tears a...
Athlete often reports popping or snapping with immediate onset of severe pain and swelling over fracture site followed by limping or inability to bear weight with associated weakness ...
Conservative management indicated for patients with fracture displacement <1.5 to 2.0 cm 2[A]
Phased return-to-play protocol guided by pain and function 1[C]
Initial period ...
Most fractures heal with conservative treatment.
Consider repeat radiographs to assess for bony healing if patient has persistent pain or weakness in phased return...
Kautzner J, Trc T, Havlas V. Comparison of conservative against surgical treatment of anterior-superior iliac spine avulsion fractures in children and adolescents. Int Orthop. ...
Pelvic avulsion fractures are common in adolescent athletes.
The majority of pelvic avulsion fractures can be diagnosed by radiographs.
Conservative management of pelvic avulsion fractur...
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