Injury may occur from direct or indirect mechanisms.
Direct injury occurs with crush injury to the tarsometatarsal joint.
Causes of indirect injury:
Hindfoot placed in a fixed position ...
Determine the mechanism of injury as outlined above.
May present with diffuse foot pain:
High index of suspicion needed. Up to 20% of subtle injuries may be missed on initial exam.
Was t...
Nonoperative management for those with stable injury with no diastasis 6:
Immobilization in short walker boot with protected weight-bearing for 2 wk and then reexamination:
If tenderness has r...
Coetzee JC. Making sense of Lisfranc injuries. Foot Ankle Clin. 2008;13(4):695–704.
Eleftheriou K, Rosenfeld P. Lisfranc injury in the athlete: evidence supporting management f...
Have high index of suspicion for Lisfranc injuries with high-energy trauma, plantar ecchymosis, or inability to bear weight.
Instability requires prompt referral to orthopedic surgeon f...
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