Fracture of the mandible is usually due to a direct force.
The most common area fractured is the angle, followed by the condyle, molar, and mental regions.
Because of its thickness, th...
The first priority in evaluating a possible mandible fracture is to protect the airway. Severe fractures of facial structures may result in airway obstruction from lack of glossal supporting...
20–40% of patients have associated injuries, and treatment should address the most lethal concerns from airway obstruction, aspiration, major hemorrhage, cervical spine or co...
Smokers and patients with systemic medical conditions may have an increased incidence of complications, and it is important to maintain adherence to prescribed regimens.
Koshy JC, Feldman EM, Chike-Obi CJ, et al. Pearls of mandibular trauma management. Semin Plast Surg. 2010;24(4):357–374.
Miles BA, Potter JK, Ellis EIII. The efficacy of postop...
Consider a mandibular fracture for any athlete that has facial deformity, dysphagia, and mandibular pain after direct trauma to the face.
The first priority is to maintain the airway an...
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