Transverse and spinous process fractures are considered minor spine injuries and usually are stable and benign. Both types can be markers of considerable trauma and should encourage ...
Forceful hyperflexion of the neck (e.g., spearing in football) is associated with lower cervical spinous process fractures. Lumbar transverse process fractures usually result from dir...
Short-term rest is often the most effective treatment for isolated injury.
Cryotherapy repeated frequently within initial 36 to 48 hr may help prevent muscle spasm.
Nonopioid m...
Homnick A, Lavery R, Nicastro O, et al. Isolated thoracolumbar transverse process fractures: call physical therapy, not spine. J Trauma. 2007;63(6):1292–1295.
Krueger M, Green ...
Isolated transverse process fractures can be treated conservatively without concern for long-term outcome sequelae such as pain, neurologic deficits, or ambulatory difficulties 4.
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