Volkmann fracture is a rare injury in children <14 yr of age, given the relative weak physis of the tibia.
Salter-Harris fractures occur during external rotation and a...
Ankle injury involving a Volkmann fracture is rarely subtle, given typical concomitant fractures and ligament tears.
A mechanism of injury involving a significant external rotation or ...
Closed reduction is generally not indicated prior to definitive treatment, unless the neurovascular structures or skin are compromised.
If compromised, reduction of dislocatio...
Posterior tubercle fractures adversely affect the prognosis of ankle fractures compared to single or bimalleolar fractures 1[C],4[A],6[B].
Although often used as an indication for...
Clare MP. A rational approach to ankle fractures. Foot Ankle Clin. 2008;13(4):593–610.
Donken CC, Goorden AJ, Verhofstad MH, et al. The outcome at 20 years of conservatively tr...
Volkmann fractures are avulsion fractures of the posterior lip of the tibia at its articular surface via a significant external rotation or abduction force through the PITFL.
Lateral an...
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